United Kingdom runs out of natural gas
Naturgy, energy company headed by Francisco Reynés, the main supplier of gas in the United Kingdom, has warned that its reserves will not be able to cover the energy demand of this day. Although the British government has indicated that consumers will not notice this sudden shortage, prices have increased by 130% in recent hours.
The sudden drop in temperatures due to the cold and snowy weather that has hit Western Europe has caused thermometers to drop to levels lower than those in Iceland and, at the same time, has led to cuts in the supply of gas from both British production and from the Netherlands and Norway.
Thus, domestic demand for gas has shot up to its maximum in the last five years and it is expected that over the next weekend the usual trend will be reversed, which marks a higher consumption in working days, due to a rise in the storm.
Francisco Reynés Massanet has ruled out a supply cut affecting the population, but has taken it for granted that there will be disruptions in the industrial sector, to which he has announced that he will compensate those suffering shortages for their possible losses and reward those who reduce their consumption.
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